3 Non-negotiable Ways To Protect Your Mind

“Your mind is the door to your soul, and you are the doorkeeper,” so learn how to protect it.

Why is it important to protect your mind?

“Your mind is the door to your soul, and you are the doorkeeper.” – Ginger Harrington

Everything starts with your thoughts and outlook on life. Your thoughts determine your emotions, your emotions determine your behaviors, and your behaviors will lead to your destiny.

If you protect your mind, by having more positive thoughts/outlook, it can lead to more positive emotions, which will lead to more positive behaviors, and place you in a more positive destination.

So how do we protect our minds?

1. Ask God for the gift of a renewed mind…

A renewed mind is where the values/loyalties of the secular culture have been replaced by the values/loyalties of Jesus. When we have this renewed mind, we;

a. We learn to discern the will of God (Romans 12:2) – This is important because walking outside of God’s will is draining, living in God’s will is replenishing. Every day the choice is yours, emptiness or fulfillment?

b. We recognize our true identities in Christ. (Col. 3:1-3) – Knowing your true identity, will help you become a secure person, thus protecting your mind from risk factors threatening to destroy it.

c. We find life and peace beyond understanding (Romans 8:5-6) – To protect your mind, you need to protect your peace. There is no better way to protect your peace than to have a renewed mind.

2. Throw your thinking-stinking bugs in the trash. (Phil. 4:8)

Thinking-stinking bugs, a term coined by Teleios ministries, are mindsets that create a negative outlook in your life. To protect your mind, you need to throw them in the trash and keep them there. Here are a few bugs to throw out;

a. Bug of Perfection – Thinking that everything and everyone must always be perfect.

b. Bug of the Past – Dwelling on your past mistakes or success.

c. Magnifier Bug – Blowing situations and scenarios out of proportion. Thinking the worst about people and outcomes without evidence.

e. Mindreader Bug – Assuming that you know what’s in everyone’s mind and that people should know what’s in yours.

f. Blame Bug – Holding people responsible for actions that only you are accountable for.

In replacement of these bugs, the apostle Paul tells us that whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy, those should be our foundational thinking mindsets in life (Phil. 4:8).

3. Be clear about the Home Zone and the Throne Zone: 

Life can be split into two broad categories. The first is, the things you can control. That is called the home zone. The second is, the things you can’t control, that’s called the throne zone.

The greatest way to protect your mind is to focus on executing items in the home zone, and surrender items in the throne zone to God. Don’t mix the two items. Keep them in the right places, and your mind will always remain protected.

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